ReactJS & JS conference — september 22, 2022. Tehran, Iran.
Welcome to the Largest FrontEnd Conference in the Iran #ReactConf. 15+ Speakers and workshops. 1200+ Attendees. One full day of knowledge sharing and community with people who Develop and LOVE React.
📅 31 Shahrivar 1401⏰ 08:00 AM Until 08:00 PM📍 Holy Defense Museum Hall
If you have a topic that you want to share with around 5k participants — apply right now!
ApplyPedram Marandi
What is GraphQL and how to implement a scalable GraphQL project with React & Apollo?
full-stack Javascript web developer and a full-time Software Engineering student.developer at, and we make enterprise Javascript applications with React, powered by lovely GraphQL, Apollo and Prisma.
Ana Lava
An Introduction to Real-Time programming in Javascript
having +4 years of experience in backend development utilizing various technologies and concepts such as Nodejs, mongodb, Elasticsearch, Microservices Architecture, Docker and etc.
Sajjad Beiraghdar
React Native Architecture
How React Native works, What issues it has and how they will be addressed in the React Native new architecture.
Jeremy Webster
How Not to Be Innovative
The talk will be about where Innovation in technology comes from, based on my own research and experience, and how your choice of technologies in a project can stop innovation
Amir abbas abdolali
Everything You Need To Know About SVG
why SVG is such an important part of building websites. From why SVG is useful and how to get your hands on it all the way to implementing it as a system and fancy stuff like animating it.
Mojtaba Esparipour
React 16 Overview
An overview on how React works and what features are added to it in version 16.x
Milad Heydari
Hiring issues in Front-End Community
Developers looking for good companies and companies looking for good developers. We have issues regarding this matter, milad wants to go deep and talk about encounter between knowledge and companies.
Mohammad Hasan Gilak
React Server-Side Rendering
render on the server rather than in the browser. talk about Cons of Rendering React on the Server, Architecture, Performance and challenges.
Ehsan Mohammadi
Why are we using React.js in our project?
Advanced Efficiency, Reusability of React Components,Performance,Modularity and the market job, ... and everything is Javascript.
Hamed Esmaili
How Diffing Algorithm Works In React
Manipulating the DOM is an intensive operation in the browser world, react uses VDOM concept to do that with its own diffing algorithm to improve performance which we aim to go through it to understand what is under the hood.
Samaneh Mohammadi
Styled-Component Architecture
how to make Dynamic interactive user interface based on components and how to use it for building complex interfaces.
Mohamad Jahani
Hooks are the new/hot feature of React 16.8. The talk is going to cover everything you need to know about Hooks and provide some answers to the questions like "What are Hooks?", "Why we should use them?", and "How to use them?"
Mohammad Hossein Malek
PWA in React!
he have more than six years of hands-on experience efficiently developing websites and Web-Applications using Modern Javascript frameworks like React and VueJs. he had the opportunity to be a part of many cool and innovative teams and companies. For now, we just want to talk about how we can develop a great PWA. starts with a simple introduction to PWA and how it is and what issues you might have on this journey and etc.
Ahmad Karimpour
A Cup of React-Native
Understanding the communication between JS & Native, Error Tracking, Codepush, VirtualizedList...
Ehsan Hosseini
What do you do if you need an enterprise Front-end application? How to develop each part of the application completely in an independent team with their structure, libraries, and framework as a separate application? And how these applications will communicate with each other? These questions will be answered by Micro-Frontend concept.
Tahere Gholami
State management with React Context API
Tahere has been developing Frontend applications for 6+ years including more than two years on React/Redux.React Context API is a powerful feature, you might consider using it when your React Application grows in size and depth from a component perspective.
Negar Jamalifard
How to deal with CORS error in Webpack?
Does CORS error haunts you in every project? Are you tired of asking backend team to handle it? This talk is going to give you all the power to handle this error in development.
Special Talk
Technical Talk.
Talking about FrontEnd Projects & Career.
Reza Shadman
Mahdieh Noroozian
Farzad YousefZadeh
Milad Heydari
Founder of Reactconf
Pourya Sharifi
Project Manager at React Conf
Mehri Daie
FrontEnd Developer & Community Manager
Ahmad Karimpour
Reactconf Organizer
Ali Hariri
Marketing & Idea Development
Siamak Mokhtari
UI/UX Engineer